What payment methods do you accept?
    • All major credit cards, Paypal, GPay & Apple Pay as well as Shop Pay & Zip Pay
    What is your return policy?
      • Products are to be returned at the buyers cost with full refunds offered for goods that are returned in the original condition. Please contact returns@noneoftheabove.co.nz to request a returns label.
      How long will it take for my order to be delivered?
      • Between 7-15 business days.
      Can I track my order?
        • Yes, tracking will be sent via email once the products have been shipped.
        How do I cancel or change my order?
          • If you have not received your shipping info via email, then contact us to cancel. Unfortunately, once items have been shipped, they need to be returned.
          Can the quality be guaranteed?
          • We source all of our products through established manufacturers with a history of quality output.
          Do you offer gift wrapping or personalization services?
          • We do not currently offer gift wrapping.
          What is your customer service contact information?
            • Please use the Contact Us tab on the website and email us, we'll get back to you within 24 hours of sending.
            Do you offer any discounts or promotions?
              • Occasionally we offer promotions. Subscribe to our email or follow us on social media to see specials.
              Do you have a loyalty or rewards program?
                • Not currently but we may create a loyalty program in the future. Please subscribe to our email or social media for updates.
                How do I know if a product is in stock?
                  • All products that are available will be open for selection on the website. If you cannot select the size, colour or type it is unavailable.
                  Can I leave a product review or rating?
                    • Yes. We'd love to see your feedback. You will receive an email about product reviews after delivery.